Love Your Inner Mother – Top 10 Tips

Refill Your Own Cup Today

Mothers have been known since mankind first walked on this earth as the nurturing spirit that helps heal hurts on the inside. Often this giving nature results in poor boundaries or limited self care. I have seen this struggle with many clients, especially women, who want to care for themselves better but have a hard time fitting it in. Here are my top ten ideas for self nurturing that have worked for many generations!

Become your own nurturing parent to yourself just as if you were caring for a vulnerable child. Implement some or even all of my top ten self care tips!

  1. Send loving messages to yourself. Say a mental message, “I love you and appreciate who you are.” “Great job! I’m so proud of you.” When you’re struggling or feeling low, be supportive by saying, “I’m here for you. You’re not alone.”
  2. Take good care of your body. Loving others DOES mean modeling how to love ourselves. Make sure you eat right and get plenty of rest, sleep, fresh air and exercise. Keep yourself healthy and fit.
  3. Do nice things for yourself. Just sitting down to relax and enjoy a cup of hot tea says you matter. Schedule a massage or soak in a tub with candles and essential oils. Set a lovely table for dinner with candle light and a yummy meal. Remember to be the parent to yourself you wish you had.
  4. Set and keep healthy boundaries. Be clear in communication about what you want and how you feel. Don’t bottle up feelings; speak them respectfully but truthfully.
  5. See yourself with compassion. Recognize when you fall short of your own expectations and give yourself reassurance. Start again knowing each moment is a new beginning.
  6. Dedicate time for those who matter. Just a few minutes a day or some blocked time weekly toward building a relationship will leave you feeling nurtured in your heart.
  7. Attack issues not people. Remember that everyone comes with a history so take time to understand the problem that arose and seek to learn something new. Look for common ground and don’t take anything personally.
  8. Remain appreciative. Even on those ‘bad’ days find something to be grateful for, especially about yourself. Realize you are always a Divine creation with infinite value!
  9. Balance your relationships. There is a give and take in every relationship that is healthy. Look for more of an even balance so your cup is filled at the same time it is emptied.1
  10. Remain positive. Become the person who uplifts you and everyone around you by staying in a grateful state of mind. Measure what matters and let the rest go.

When your own cup runneth over, you will feel whole, satisfied with life, and happy with yourself. 
It’s equally important to take care of your inner temple with quality food and ensure absorption of the nutrients with enzymes to actually break it down into usable particles. The BEST enzymes without any fillers have been formulated by Transformation EnzymesTransformation has conducted clinical studies to demonstrate the dramatic improvements from their enzyme formulas; thereby, reversing many symptomatic issues. Everyone needs enzymes because our bodies don’t produce enough as we get older. Get quality to get results!

Dr. DicQie Fuller, my mentor, has spent the last 35 years researching and formulating quality enzymes with Transformation Enzymes. Listen to understand their power.

The foundation for health begins in the gut by changing diet, adding in appropriate enzymes and releasing emotions that cause sickness. I have dedicated my life to help others restore this gut/life balance with food, physical and emotional detoxification and enzyme support. Contact me at ReConnect Gut for Life. Call or text (with WhatsApp) 713-992-3480 and begin a journey of inner healing!

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