Brain, Mind and Soul – Who Is In Control?

The brain is often referred to as the controller of our thoughts both conscious and sub-conscious. It is the physical part of our body that is tangible but your mind is home to an invisible and mysterious world that provides creative expression, feelings and beliefs. The mind goes beyond our body, tapping into eternal consciousness.

Many ‘materialist’ neuroscientists conclude that the mind and brain are one after observing how mental states are altered through accidents or birth defects. The ‘dualist’ belief separates the capacity of the brain with the soul consciousness often allowing miraculous changes to take place, both physical and creative.

Studies going back as far as the 17th Century with French philosopher Rene Descartes focus on the pineal gland as potentially being the ‘seat of the soul’. This mysterious gland situated at the anatomical center of the brain is believed by some modern neuroscientists, such as Dr. Joe Dispenza and Dr. Jeffrey Fannin, to be the intermediary gate bridging our physical and spiritual experiences while in our human form.
Although this debate remains, there is clear evidence of the power of thought to dictate our feelings and actions. Thought begins with an inner dialogue that is often fleeting to escape our awareness. When we harness our mental conversations it ultimately allows a change in beliefs and feelings resulting in the mastery of our life.

Many clients I have worked with over the years have experienced major breakthroughs in their health and state of mind when we identified self-limiting patterns and replaced them with healthful habits. These types of changes can be difficult but the rewards are freeing to body and soul. Personally, I have found that my soul journey is closely connected to my conscious choice when taking time to nurture this relationship.

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